Education Through Imagination

 Supporting Your Child
At School

Parents often express the hope that their children will be good students, find a decent job, enjoy and support a family of their own, and stand up as citizens. By taking an active interest in their child’s work and in the school, parents help children succeed, typically achieving higher self-esteem, improved grades and fewer behaviour problems in school. Here is some advice for parents to support their child to succeed at school:

1. Attend Back-to-School Night and Parent-Teacher Conferences

Back-to-school nights at the start of the school year are an opportunity for parents to get to know your child's teacher and his or her expectations. School administrators will also discuss school-wide programs and policies.

Parent-teacher conferences, usually held once or twice a year at progress reporting periods so that can monitor progress and discuss any gaps or additional help required. If something concerns you about your child's learning or behaviour, ask the teacher or principal about it. You can seek their advice at any time during the school year. School staff will want all the children to succeed at school, so contact them as soon as you have any concerns.

2. Support Homework Expectations

 Support Homework Expectations

Homework reinforces and extends classroom learning and helps kids practice important study skills. It also helps children succeed by developing a sense of responsibility and a work ethic that will benefit them beyond the classroom. Create an effective study environment. Any well-lit, comfortable, and quiet workspace with the necessary supplies will do. Be available to interpret assignment instructions, offer guidance, answer questions, and review the completed work. If the level of homework does seem like too much, teachers have advice for parents on how you can help your child manage.

If it is difficult for you to help your child with homework or school projects, contact the school, tutoring groups, after school programs, churches, and libraries or an older student, neighbour, or friend who can help your child succeed at school.

3. Send Your Child to School Ready to Learn

Breakfast is vital for learning. Many schools have breakfast clubs. Kids also need the right amount of sleep to be alert and ready to learn all day. Most school-age kids need at least 10 hours of sleep a night. Creating a consistent bedtime routine, especially on school nights, will help children succeed.. Allow your child to unwind before lights out and limit stimulating diversions like television and internet.

4. Encourage your child to read

Helping your child become a reader is the single most important thing that you can do to help children succeed in school. Reading helps children in all school subjects. More important, it is the key to lifelong learning. Advice for parents can come from the school teacher or librarian.

5. Know the Student Code of Conduct

All schools have disciplinary policies covering expectations, and consequences for not meeting the expectations. This can relate to everything from dress code to bullying, so be clear with your child what the expectations of the school are.

Talk About School

6. Get Involved

Show your interest in your child’s education by volunteering in the school community. There are a myriad of opportunities including classroom assistant, fund-raising, chaperoning trips, attending board meetings and more. School websites usually list volunteering opportunities.

7. Talk About School

Make time to talk with your child every day, so he or she knows that what goes on at school is important to you. When kids know parents are interested in their academic lives, they will take school seriously as well.

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